DADE CITY – Lacoochee Elementary School principal Fran Gordon met with The Kumquat early Thursday morning to announce the biggest news in school history. According to Gordon, President Barack Obama has agreed to give a speech to students at the elementary school. The school is the latest stop to be added to the president's cross country tour as a part of his recent education initiative.
“We are proud to announce that President Obama will be here to impart knowledge and wisdom upon our students,” Principal Gordon said. “We think the students will really connect with President Obama because he speaks at an elementary school level and it will be very easy for the students to understand.”
Gordon says the school has considered selling tickets to the event so members of the community can be a part of this historic day. We took to the streets to speak to citizens and ask about their interest in the event.
“You shittin’ me?” Said Jimbo Gallagher of Trilacoochee when asked if he was planning on attending the event. “No way will I be going anywhere near Barack Hussein Obama. My grandpappy would roll over in his grave if I went to that.” When asked why he wasn’t interested in hearing the president speak he said “It’s not like I have anything against black people or nothing, I just don’t like mooslums.”
Gallagher wasn't the only person who was not excited about President Obama's visit, but he was certainly in the minority of those we talked to. Shonda Brown, a resident of Dade Oaks Apartments in Dade City, was among those who were ecstatic to hear the news.
“This will go down as one of the most importantest days in the history of this city and I can’t wait to hear what Mr. Obama has to say to those chilren. I won’t buy a ticket though cuz I think they should just give ‘em away. Maybe I’ll have my cousin Ray Ray make me a copy of his.”
This is huge news for the school as well as the community. President Obama has agreed to hold a meet and greet at Olga’s Bakery in the morning followed by a round of golf at Triple S Golf Ranch, one of the most pristine golf courses in the Tampa Bay Area. Principal Gordon said that President Obama, an avid golfer, chose Lacoochee Elementary over several other schools because of the opportunity to play at Triple S.
The date of President Obama’s speech has yet to be decided, but Principal Gordon said they are hoping for a day in early April.